Our bank account info

Provide is finanzed by donations only. We do not make any profit. If you would like to become part of the work financially, you may use the following bank account for the transfer.  

Provide e.V.

Volksbank Kraichgau eG

IBAN: DE40 6729 2200 0015 0000 07 | BIC: GENODE61WIE

Provide is a non-profit organization. As a note   you may either mention the project number, project
description, name of our employee or "where most needed". If you do not put an info where your donation should go to, we will be assigning it to the most needy project. Please make sure to write down your complete address, so we will be able to send you a taxdeductable receipt  at the beginning of the following year .
Thank you very much for your support!